Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Paasamalar Times Aka Sibling bonding ...

Paasamalar was an old Indian movie depicting a lot of sentimental love between a brother and a sister. I would say, the amount of drama done by me and my brother in Austin,TX rightly earned us that title/nickname amongst his friends.

Am sure anyone with a genuinely loving sibling would agree with me on this one. Having a sibling is indeed a unique relationship. Especially if they are around a similar age group for the extent to which they can relate and unconditionally guide you.  I feel like sometimes we never realise or tend to take people who really care for us the most for granted. 

Of all the many many gifts my brother has unconditionally given me I feel like the words on this card below is what I would cherish the most :). I wish I had the bird feathers from the NCC cap he had saved for me in the tiffin box way back home.But I do remember vividly the day he handed them to me after returning from the rigorous camp.

Honestly, sometimes I wonder who has been a better sibling between the two of us.

I feel at times our genuine love towards each other has sometimes even gotten our parents jealous ;) . I feel like I am blessed with a brother who has been more than a brother any sister could have ever dreamed of and sometimes I do not even know if I truly realise the difference his presence has truly made in my life.

I feel like inventing this below quote now :)

Behind every successful sister there is an even more successful brother saying she is wrong

And since these words are coming from the sister am sure the brother would magnanimously correct the statement like below ..
Behind every successful brother there is an even more successful sister saying he is wrong :P .

I am writing this post in a spirit of brotherly love for Valentines day. And yea, I do take the pleasure of embarrassing him many times  ;). But hey, what else are sisters for :P.

Dear brother,
This might sound silly, and I know I might have said/done real mean things to you, not realising your value. But all I can say is I find it hard to thank you/appreciate you for the little things that you say and do for me. I may loose the ipod you gave me long back but the words "Apple of my eye" engraved in its back, will be engraved in my memory for ever.  I hope to never take you for granted ever.Am glad am finally getting to write this post out :).
                                                                                                             As Always
                                                                                              A silly loving little sister :)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Sense and Sensibility : Adam & Eve in prospect

The Karnaugh map (K-map for short) is a method to simplify Boolean algebra expressions. The Karnaugh map reduces the need for extensive calculations by taking advantage of humans' pattern-recognition capability, also permitting the rapid identification and elimination of potential race conditions.

I am starting this post with a definition of K-maps to give some context about a recent blog post written by a friend, which compared the Boolean states of variables used in  K map to the bread winning(1) and homemaking(0) roles that Adam and Eve would play in their family lives. The short gist of the long post was that couples would evolve and transit across these states 00 01 11 10, ie. end in a state where Eve would be the bread winner and Adam would be the homemaker of the family. 

The blog post was probably attempting to solve the equation of happy marriages (analogous to Boolean Algebra Expressions) by assigning Boolean values to roles Adams and Eves would play after marriage.

Whether or not the above post made logical sense to me, I must say that I admired the creativity involved in tying together boolean algebra concepts with the views of how relationships would be in the future. I feel like if this Adam indeed followed the words in his post he would end up being a frustrated/grumbling homemaker ten years down the lane, only to see all his cherished career dreams crushed and probably pining over children who have outgrown their childhood lives and have instead moved on with their own adult lives. 

With these thoughts I am tempted to redefine the Boolean states as below with genuine hopes of sharing my 2 cents worth realisation on relationships.

True state(1):


 With all due respect, the well meaning friend was probably writing the post in a great spirit of feminist liberation. I am tempted to define such kinds of "Modern" Adams as "Adam: the extreme feminist" or 1 or true state! :)

 False state(0)

In my recent trip to India I overheard this below conversation in a temple premise in Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu. I am sharing this to introduce the other kind of Adams  "Adam: the anti-feminist" or 0 or false state! :)

 Adam(0) : Sir, I am looking for a bride for my friend. He has a good job and earns pretty well.

Foo : Wow, good for him. So what kind of bride are you looking for your friend.

Adam(0) : Sir, nothing in particular. A girl(raised like the little one on left) preferably NOT educated more than 10 std or high school would be an ideal bride for my friend. 

I was passively hearing this conversation and must say that I was really tempted to ask whether the anti-feminist Adam was indeed looking for a bride for his friend or for a maid to only raise a family and do household chores. However being aware of the attitude of people in rural India to some extent I decided to keep mum and not let my mind wander away from peaceful thoughts of god at the temple :). I instead felt obligated to thank my stars for not being raised in such an environment.

Now, having redefined the Boolean states lets go back to our initial definition of K maps.  The word "race condition" in the above definition caught my attention in particular and the following realisation dawned to me. These below questions raced across my head first before leading me to my refreshed sense of realisation :)

  • In the modern world are Adam and Eve delusion-ally running some sort of race between themselves as to who is better or who is one level up in the relationship?
  • Do they even realise that this unwitting race could potentially be destroying the happiness in their romantic lives analogous to the cliche of "falling" in love rather than "rising" in love ?
  •  Can Adam handle/feel non-threatened by a prospective Eve who may be as good as or maybe even better than him in the professional arena? 
  •  Can Eve handle/feel non-threatened by a prospective Adam who maybe as good as or maybe even better than her in child rearing/cooking/homemaking arena?
With these questions in mind the "don't care" condition (defined as below) concept of K-maps crossed my mind and I realised a possible solution to this issue had struck my mind.

K maps also allow easy minimisations of functions whose truth tables include "don't care" conditions (that is, sets of inputs for which the designer doesn't care what the output is). They are usually indicated on the map with a dash or X. 

This in turn made me imagine the possibility of WHAT IF the roles of Adam and Eve were like don't care conditions marked with an X? 

  • What if Adam and Eve learnt to not stereotype/dictate each others responsibilities and instead mutually promote their growth by enabling them to follow their dreams and ambitions? 
  • Could they both learn to compromise and juggle the roles of bread winner and homemaker ?Something along the lines of Adam focusing on bread winning while Eve is busy child bearing/nurturing and later on switching roles?  

    Redefining the happiness quotient in a healthy relationship with the below integration formula .  (Click "integration" if interested in a definition)

                                                  Happiness Quotient Q =     \int_a^b \! f(x)\,dx \,  

    where Q between Adam and Eve would be quantified by the area beneath the curve formed by the function f(x) between the interval a and b ranging between 0 and 1. Like you may have guessed, 0 would represent the homemaker and 1 would represent the bread winning role/state.  x and y axis represents the lives of Adam and Eve in which the roles they play will be constantly changing between 0 and 1 with time.

    Compromise may be the most important and often most misunderstood word in sustaining happy relationships.
    It just needs some wisdom and maturity to be able to look at the bigger picture and realise that by compromising you are not giving up or giving in ~ you are just seeking balance in the relationship!

    Benefits of this proposed solution are many. Listing below a key few
    • Adam and Eve would be two mature self sufficient individuals who would be in a relationship based solely on true love and compatibility instead of being together for dependency reasons(example: Eve need not always depend on Adam for resources and Adam need not always depend on Eve for food etc etc ).
    • The partnership will truly tap into and promote both of them to grow as a person instead of diminishing their innate abilities. 
    • The word "divorce" would be unknown.
    • Natural calamities like death/accidental loss of one(touch-wood) would have relatively lesser impact on either of them.

    The beauty in this art of compromise lies in the fact that it can be applied to any relationship.

     I feel like if Adam and Eve truly realised the beauty in the art of compromise, their lives together would not have to be compared to complex Boolean Algebra/ Integration concepts and would instead be as simple and wonderful as the below quote :)! 
    In a true partnership, the kind worth striving for, the kind worth insisting on, and even, frankly, worth divorcing over, both people try to give as much or even a little more than they get. "Deserves" is not the point. And "owes" is certainly not the point. The point is to make the other person as happy as we can, because their happiness adds to ours. The point is -- in the right hands, everything that you give, you get.

                                                              Happy Valentines day folks ! 

    Sunday, February 5, 2012

    Wisdom from a dog ...

    In the middle of cleaning my system, stumbled on this picture had taken last year. The simple words of wisdom in this block of wood inspired me to take a picture of it besides buying this and keeping it in my living room.

    Really liked the analogy that was attempted here, the things we can all learn that a dog seems to do so effortlessly in its day to day existence and felt it was worth a real quick blog post :)! 

    Friday, February 3, 2012

    Boston Musings ...

    The last day of a memorable vacation! Can't believe how time seems to fly so quickly when I am doing things I really enjoy. Started the day by planning a small surprise for my friend and was glad to see it work :). Over breakfast at Starbucks me and my friend had a retrospective conversation about the trip including planning etc  . After bidding adieu to my friend I headed to the Apple store at Boston(the largest Apple store in the US). The news of Steve Jobs death during my vacation had disturbed me internally. It felt weird to know that the person whose products had really gotten me interested in electronic gadgets is no more. This event made me contemplate and hope that Apple would continue to design innovative products that will not disappoint it's fans or bhakts like me ;). Several fans had paid their homage at the entrance of the store with flowers and letters.

    Posing in front of Apple store with mixed emotions !

    Next I headed to the Old State House building. This building was also located near the site where the Boston Massacre took place. This was one of the points of interests of the Freedom Trail tour. A book on Freedom Trail self guide caught my eye as I was browsing through a gift shop. The book was written by a former freedom trail guide and I purchased it being fascinated with the depth of information and history the author had published in it. I decided to spend my last few hours in the city by following the freedom trail. It was a fascinating experience to follow the red trail line with the guide book in hand.

    I passed by The Old State House, Boston Massacre Site, Quincy Market, Faneuil Hall and bunch of other historic sites as part of the trail. It was interesting to read the history behind each one of these places as I walked past them. The entire journey made me recollect stories I had read off my high school history text book and as well contemplate on the fact that India was not the only country in having to fight for freedom from the clutches of the British Government.

     Below are some pictures captured alongside my walking tour.

    Street Musician playing a lovely romantic note of Titanic

    A Chance car crash scene shoot in a movie

     6 memorial glass towers!


    Each of these glass towers had some words of experiences from the concentration camp survivors engraved . As I read the first four towers, I was shocked and sad to read what these people had to endure for no clear fault of theirs save having been said to have born under a particular race. The societal evil racism had been rampant in the lives of these innocent people. The intensity of their experiences progressed from bad to worse with each glass tower. It was the brutal truth and I was not able to read the experiences written beneath the last two towers.  

    As I progressed further I passed by Greenway park. I found it to be a wonderful place for people watching :).
    Kid enjoying life playing amidst water fountain

    The next site North End turned out to be quite lovely. It is a colorful neighborhood filled with plenty of Italian Restaurants and pastry shops. Was happy to have landed there just around lunch time :).

    I swear I could go on and on about each of the historic sites I visited, but with best interest have written briefly only about a select few :). For folks who are really interested in more detailed information about these places visit or plan a trip to Boston and explore it by foot like I did to get the best experience :). And yea, touring boston downtown will be an informative and unique experience unlike those of New York/ San Francisco downtown regions :). 

    The entire trail made me vicariously experience American History !  Finishing my last post on this vacation trip, the state of my mind while I fly back to San Francisco is that of joyful reminiscence of the lovely days filled with excitement and spent well away from technology and social media :).

                                          A rejuvenating vacation spent "Princess-Style" indeed ;) .

    The cog railway teddy bear surprise from my friend would be a gift I would treasure from this trip besides the travel experience :). And now am recharged to go back to the grind with eager anticipation of my next travel adventure :D.