Saturday, November 15, 2014

Leadership - From Ambition to Vision

Excerpts from above video : 

Ambition is just an exaggeration of the existing. Vision as the word suggests is about a new possibility, something which is not yet. Ambition is about wanting to take as much as we can take, vision is about making everything yours. One is an aggressive way of taking it, another is an embrace. There is a world of difference. Making the world yield to you willingly and trying to take a piece of world are two different dimensions.

Business is about expansion. If we forcefully take something you will never be expand to the full capacity. Only if you learn to make the world yield to what you want it to be only then you can take it all. Ambition is about more, vision is about all.

A leader is somebody who is trying to create a situation and people are looking up to him believing that he is going to make it happen. He must be in some position within himself that he is able to see things better than the people around him. If you are not even able to manage your own mind, it will be accidental management. Managers of the world are the most tense human beings. If you succeed you will suffer is the message that is going in the world. Success is becoming a suffering simply because we are managing to do outside things without doing anything about ourselves. If the work that you are doing is important, the first thing that you need to do is to work upon yourself.

Each human being is his own, everybody is unique. Our idea of success has become like this right now.If we fail we will be depressed, if we succeed we will be damned. At present, our ideas of success and well being are not consciously worked at. Today leadership means that we are able to re-engineer the very ideas of success and well being in this world.

If we bring about the necessary shift from economic leaders operating out of narrow personal ambitions to a larger vision that will be the greatest things for the future generations. This message that success is the sweetest thing in your life, success is not a miserable thing has to go for which economic leaders need to do something about themselves. This is important because everything that we ever know and experience is within you. Working about the inward nature of who you are is extremely important.  

We have mistaken that intelligence means thought. The intelligence which is the very source, that which makes the body happen is so phenomenal.  The way to find access to this intelligence is Inner Engineering. This inner dimension is needed the moment we are taking a position of leadership. Once you are a leader every thought, emotion and action you perform is going to impact million people. We are going with ambition right now. If we journey from more to all, we have traveled from ambition to vision

To transform a society, we need to transform individuals. If we cannot do what we can do then it is a disaster. All the technology and resource is present except the person who can use it effectively. There is an intelligence that gathers the body and mind. We need to access it. A range of human experiences are different chemical basis within you.

We are talking about a technology of creating the right kind of chemistry. You are at a chemistry of blissfulness, does not matter what the situations are, you are at your best!! 

Especially if situations are going wrong, its all the more important that you are on the track.
Once you establish your way of being and it cannot be disturbed by what is around you, one thing that is happened to you is you are free of suffering. Once the fear of suffering is gone in your life, only then you will walk full stride in your life. Otherwise every step you take is half a stride worrying what will happen to me, if this doesn’t work what will happen to me.

Action has to be focused, a multitude of actions will lead us no where.We have to learn to do everything the way it works. We just have to learn to do it the way of the world/planet. Only then we will be a sustained success. Otherwise my way or your way, is ambition. Vision means we do it the way it works. If we do it the way it works we all do it the same way. Organizations will become monstrous if we function out of individual ambition rather than a larger vision. Somehow get there is the nature of ambition.

Human consciousness should shape our business environment. Essence of being human is we can create our situations. Leadership means we have a vision to craft the situations where everybody can fit in and everybody can prosper.

Working with people is not management, it is a big love affair. People are in love with you, they will do it. They will not fall in love with you unless you fall in love with them, that is the secret. You have to do it first :).

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Three things an adult can learn from a child

To be happy for no reason

To always be busy with something
And to know how to demand with all his might that which he desires ~ Paulo Coelho

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Non-artists creating something stunning

Art a medium of self expression, has the ability to evoke emotions in both the artist and the perceiver.  Besides being a great stress buster in today’s busy lives it also enhances qualities like focus,patience and creativity much needed for successfully solving complex problems both at work and in life. Art inspires creativity in the perceiver as well by making him/her ponder upon the artist’s state of mind.

Today @Hightail India we had an opportunity to explore Oil painting as a team! 

It was fascinating for me to observe the inner child inside my colleagues awaken during this activity. After the event team members were excited to talk to each other about their art.Amazed at realising their hidden talent,they were appreciating one others work. I felt immensely happy watching these non-artists create something stunning with minimal guidance on drawing/painting techniques. In fact some of them were inventing their own painting techniques .Watching them explore, I reminisced some of my initial attempts at painting.  

Winning Entry

Second Place 

Third Place

Some notes on experiences of the art session 
“Never knew I have an artist inside me!”  

“ Today’s session has given me tremendous confidence to explore art further!” 

Never Give Up!” 

Srinivas(one of my colleagues) who greatly enjoyed today’s session has already started his next masterpiece :)

I am grateful that I had the opportunity to embark my colleagues on this exciting journey of brush strokes. 

When we are at loss of words to express ourselves all one needs is to pick up the brush and paint :)!